Somaliland Ministry of Communication Issued New Business Laws

Ministry of Communication Issued three laws about the business of communication which an official of the ministry said it is an important for the nation. First law is monitoring telecom outlet compounds including tower sites, the second law is trade license, and the third and the final one is registering sim cards. “These laws are important for the development of the telecoms and essential for the safety of the clients and the telecom subscribers.” Said an official of the government

Also the representatives from private telecoms spoke about the social benefits of these laws. “Actually, the registering sim cards is helpful factor in tracing the subscribers if he or she commits crime.” The minister of communication Dr. Abdiwali Shiekh Abdilahi Sufi gave an address in the launching ceremony which the telecoms were summoned to show up. “The telecoms who have the trade license so far are six, I am urging them to engage in healthy competitive.” He also said “the companies will begin registering the sim cards in less than a month and the registration will continue for six months, however; any other unregistered sim card will be disabled.”