Somaliland’s Parliament Abolishes Monopoly in the Telecommunication Sector

SOMALILAND.COM – Somaliland’s House of Representatives today passed amendments to the telecommunication law to remove the monopoly over the fiber optic cables sector. 

In today’s session, the House approved the amendments proposed by 75 out of the 83 members of the House. 

The MPs pushing for the motion argued that the law contradicts the constitution in the sense of infringing on the free enterprise. They further alleged that the Law contains internal inconsistencies that need to be addressed.

The telecommunication law of the Republic of Somaliland abolishes license, agreement or contract between Somaliland government and a private company concerning a monopoly on any form of telecommunication, that contradicts the consitution which stipulates free enterprise on its Eleventh Article. 


Mr. Baashe Mohamed Farah, the speaker of the House, announced his acceptance of the motion to amend the law and put it to a vote. 

Sixty eighty MPs voted in favor of the motion, Only one representative abstained while another member voted against. 

It was passed with an overwhelming majority. 

I announce that the amendment of the articles 1,2, and three of the law is accepted by sixty-eight members of parliament. One MP rejects, and another Mp abstained, the speaker did not vote. The amendment is thus passed. 

Bashe Mohamed, Speaker

Telesom Group, the leading telecommunication company is set to benefit most from the amendment. Because of the previous law, the company was denied to bring internet fiber optic cables in Berbera. 

Immediately, Telesom welcomed the amendment passed by the House of Representatives. The company said this was a step towards economic development and technological advancement.