USAID invests Somali Youth with $1.6M

Mogadishu today hosted an expo whose intention is to create  an opportunity to invest in Somali youth-owned businesses for growth and creating jobs.

The event was opened by Somalia’s prime minister Hassan Ali Kheyre and graced by The US ambassador to Somalia Donald Yamamoto.

The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), HE Hassan Ali Khayre today opened a project to fund 340 young Somalis who have demonstrated successful business innovation.

The Somali government is implementing the program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with US $ 1.6M, with participation from some of the country’s business entities.

US Ambassador Donald Y Yamamoto while addressing the SOMALI Youth Investment Expo announced that US will increase its support to Somalia’ especially in Education’s Employment and other key important sectors.

U.S. Ambassaor to Somalia Amb. Yamamoto and Somali PM announced a joint new effort to support young Somali entrepreneurs and innovators as they contribute to Somalia’s stability and prosperity on their journey to self-reliance.

This initiative contributes to the country’s economic development, the growth of the family livelihoods, the creation of employment opportunities, and to keep Somali youth away from crime and extremism.

Youth benefiting from this program come from all regions of the country, and entrepreneurship initiatives include agriculture, fisheries, energy, and technology.

The Somali government is prioritizing empowering youth and creating job opportunities to meet their needs, and play a major role in the overall development of the country and the Somali people.