QALAM Educational Center awards 100 Scholarship to gov’t employees, security personnel & youth

Hargeisa (Somaliland) – The first batch of students today graduated from Qalam Educational and Technical.

ELM Schools awarded as most outstanding international school in Africa

Yunis Dekow

EU Launches the Ground Breaking Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program in Somaliland

University of Hargeisa hosted a session about the ERASMUS+ program organized by Somaliland Ministry of.

EU donates School infrastructure & classrooms in Somaliland

EU Statement Today, about 10,000 children (50% girls) in Somaliland will have access to expanded.

USAID grants Somalia $50m to fund education

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced on Friday nearly $50 million in.

Djibouti Invests in the Future with New Project to Expand Education to 35,000 new students

WASHINGTON, September 30, 2019 — The World Bank announced today new support for Djibouti’s efforts to.

Somaliland:- Stalemate continues between the Ministry of Education and Private Schools

Abdillahi Hassan

Somaliland parliament intervenes standoff between private schools and the Ministry of Education

Younis Dekow Hussein

First International School in Somaliland:- Documentary on ELM School in Hargeisa

HARGEISA (SOMALILAND.COM) – CBA-TV English section has visited and made a short documentary about ELM.

Somaliland girls from poor families lose hope of high school education

Nasra Mohamud Omar, 14, an orphan in the Somaliland town of Burao, is feeling thoroughly.

Improving education outcomes key for boosting growth in Somalia: World Bank

Somalia is laying the foundations for longer-term economic development, but human capital development is essential.

Conflict disrupts education for hundreds of Somaliland children

Four years of clan conflict in and around El-Afweyne in Somaliland’s Sanag region have caused.

Turkey helps Somali youth to realize dreams

Young doctor Ahmed said Turkey had enticed him with its advanced education sector and strong economy.

Somali women in Mogadishu IDP camps empowered by literacy program

(ERGO) – Sahro Adan Mohamed, 44, can now use her mobile phone, search for names.

Community technical school gives new hope to drop-out pastoralists in Lasanod

After losing 250 goats and 20 camels to the devastating drought in 2017, Abdirahman Mohamed.