Horn Stars face imminent breakup

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The Horn Star, the Beatles of Somali music lovers 

Hargeisa, October 22, 2018.  The music band Horn stars, also known as Xidigaha Geeska, faces imminent collapse after Mohamed BK and Khadra Sineema said they want to quit. The band was formed more than a decade ago, when the entertainment and music industry in Somalia was still struggling because of war, radicalization and cultural stereotyping, and grew to become a household name in post war Somaliland.

The band’s fans who have grown to love it are shocked by the imminent departure of Khadra and BK, who are among its founders.

Though the reason why some band members are leaving is not clear, observers say it might be because of politics and tribalism, which have also led to the downfall of other bands. Music critics say that divisions among band members and also its fans may have arisen when Laabsalax, one of the founding members and also a poet and songwriter could not keep off the country’s politics, leading to a fallout.

The band has been instrumental in preaching against tribalism and human trafficking. Some of its members have even been detained because of their political opinion, while others barred from leaving the country to perform overseas.

Yurub Geenyo, Xamda Queen, Mursal, khadra and Mohamed BK are some of the band members whose voices and stage presence endeared them to fans.

Somaliland is yet to set up awards in the music industry to award those that have many albums and have sole millions of copies, but this particular band has millions of viewers on YouTube and have even performed in countries like United Kingdom (UK), Sweden, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya.
