Man sentenced to three years for selling alcohol in Somaliland

By Staff Writer

Hargaysa , 15, November, 2018. A man has been sentenced to three years in prison for selling alcohol. The around 1000 bottles of alcohol was one of the largest seized before reaching consumers. Legal bodies and law enforcement agencies have banned the trade and consumption of alcohol in Somaliland.

There are traders who are taking advantage of porous boarders, especially the Wajale entry point, to bring in the banned drinks.

 Every week, the local media reports cases of alcohol caught and televises them being destroyed to discourage such traders. There are also unconfirmed reports that there are traders who bring in alcohol meant for dignitaries through the country’s airports.

Border guards and customs officials have now enhanced checking of goods coming from Ethiopia, where much of the alcohol comes from.

Seized Wine Bottles in Somaliland