Quality control committee set up in Somaliland

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photo credit Purcell International 

Staff Writer

Hargaysa, 13, November, 2018. A four-member committee to check on the quality of food and vehicle oil imports has been established in Somaliland.

The public has welcomed the move, as there has been an influx of food that enter the border without being checked for quality. Vehicle oil coming into the country has also been adulterated, and this has resulted in the damage of car engines.

Illnesses from unrestricted food imports are on the rise, as there is no quality control team to check the food’s quality. Many taxis have been taken off the street because of the level of damage to their engines from the adulterated oil they used. The firm that imported the oil refused to compensate damages caused, but they were fined 300,000USD.

There has been an influx of counterfeit products in the country, including drugs, and the four-member team is supposed to look into the quality of imports and local products in the market.

Parliament has approved the committee members, even though their qualifications in food administration and whether they have worked in a similar field is not yet clear.

the Quality Control team have taken the first step in carrying out their duties: they made a surprise visit to U-Fresh Enterprise factory for beverages and snack food products and said this factory given its dubious quality after thorough investigation and failure to meet global standards of food can’t any longer operate. Ministry of Trade and Tourism together with Quality Control Committee temporarily halted the factory. 
