25th anniversary of Somaliland Police

Somaliland Police Forces Inclusive Celebrating 25 anniversary 

By Staff Writer

Hargaysa, 04, November, 2018. Somaliland police institution was founded in 1993 to restore law and order in chaotic Somaliland when Somalia plunged into political turmoil of unprecedented scale. 

The 25the anniversary of the police forces began to celebrate. Somaliland President Muse Bihi and Minister of Interior Mohamed Kahin, the Police Chief Abdilahi Fadal Iman, and among other delegates, participated the ceremony held in the Police Headquarters in Hargyasa the capital.

The celebrations included political talks, recapping of the police institution transformation from ineffective to powerful law enforcement agency like the rest of the world and its marvelous achievement in its investigation techniques. The police cadets said to be highly trained in detective capacity in line with the regional crime scene.

The police brought finger print devices to upgrade its capacity and detect the recidivists and punish severely if caught the third time. The recidivism rate has fallen since the finger print has arrived the capital Hargaysa.

The president called upon the police officers to be in good character where the disable and the children ask assistance and remain friendly to the passersby.

He also praised the police’s capability has risen to a state of which the world admired and amazed.

Since the police foundation 25 years ago, Somaliland has witnessed political stability unlike its neighbor Somalia that endured insecurity and utter chaos.
