Editorial: Somaliland President Lavishly offers hired gun in NY when Hunger at his doorstep

There’s something weird about this photograph featuring President Donald Trump, but you might not have noticed it at first glance.

Hargaysa—09, 19, 2018— Somaliland proponents and champions after Tuur’s government began to believe that the world would change their attitude towards the secession of Somaliland from Somalia if they play (sham) democracy of sheer voting without functional democratic values, sheer political participation by women as a recognition tool, and hold random presidential elections from six to seven years when the incumbent president feels saturated his megalomania and power hunger. None of these said tactics worked for Somaliland so far, therefore it tested new game of monthly fee of 22,000 USD to offer to lobby and PR firm Glover Parker Group in London and New York. They talk to elected officials of the US Congress and the Senate in a ‘setup” to say some favorable remarks in favor of Somaliland the likes “Somaliland is a beacon of stability” and so on but which has no impact on the lives of the Somaliland suffering people from lack of basic needs including clean running water, health centers where pregnant women can deliver babies.
The Glover isn’t even the right PR company for Somaliland given on their cheap, belittling remarks by describing Somaliland a mere territory. “…Glover Parker Group advise East Africa territory on Communication…” Somaliland isn’t a territory but a functioning system. How the president and the foreign minister allowed to sign public relations and publicity campaign contract with a firm couldn’t dare to say Somaliland and what it’s, a state and a democracy. But again the word territory has been mentioned else in their communique.” while “the territory” maintains informal relations with the United Nations and European Union…” does the company is lobbying against us or for us? The key business of the group is this “whenever there’s an issue of import or a reputation at the stakes, we’re there.” Yes they’re there for making money out of ill reputation. Somaliland has no image problem but their lives at the stakes. “When the conversation is about transforming brands, organization…” said their website to clarify that they didn’t take a country as a client.
Daschle Group whose clients were Japan and Turkey is more qualified for the task at the hand, that’s to fight by the company on behalf of Somaliland in the global arena.

Djibouti government under massive negative light from western mass media can be the right client to get PR services from Glover Parker Group. Somaliland existence is at the stake from double standards of the world body and fights for its survival “it’s time to be or not to be.” Says Somalilanders worldwide.

Somaliland’s capital of which has a population of more than one million residents has no water supply system and it’s the only capital on earth which failed to provide utilities to its residents. The government doesn’t prioritize the policies according to the level of importance and necessity of the matter. They seem to fall in love with the things that drains out the meagre cash out of the country and the Ponzi schemes that are vulnerable to corruption and mismanagement. For instance, the sender may withdraw 35,000 USD from the Central Bank every month and deduct what he calls “administrative fee,” a theft and corruption by other means of a nice name when actually the sender receives salary from the government to perform whatsoever assigned for him because already he is in the payroll of the government, not on commission basis or a broker or on temporary consultancy.
In the next ten years, the accumulated fees that will end up in pockets of the lobbyist firm in London and New York would be roughly more than two and half million dollars, that build small maternity centers across the eastern regions of Somaliland where ministers and officials after nominations usually remove their pregnant wives not to give birth a child on rocks and under trees without any basic medical skill available to them and their children always die of solvable problems but the innocent mothers call the tragic deaths of children as “ Saqir” referring to the Arabic word “ the little” but it makes sense of comfort to the bereaving mothers and believe these children will usher them to the Heaven of Fardousa when in fact the children will ask Allah why their irresponsible parents and reckless governments allowed to die infancy or as fetuses when they could be easily saved.
If this company could talk to Edna Adan or has seen the plight of millions of fellow humans in Somaliland and how our mothers die out of childbirth, they would realize the blood they are going to drink every moment they receive cash from the top three poorest country on earth after the contract. Lobbyists on hire are for the Arabs and Azerbaijan for positive publicity but Somaliland can’t think about it. It’s a luxury because almost every household of ten people suffer lack of water and food. When you survive and you can’t dream.
If this company has any moral ground, and the executives have any integrity of business ethic, they should work Somaliland free of charge and return the money back to Somaliland hospitals like doctors in Quebec did who refused to take the pay rise instead turned the increase to the health infrastructure.
