Algeria Resumes Flights to Syria After a Decade-Long Hiatus

Algeria has announced the resumption of flights to Syria after more than a ten-year diplomatic rows. The first flight is scheduled to arrive on Thursday afternoon at Lattakia International Airport.

The Ministry of Transport in a statement expressed its appreciation for this pivotal step, stating that it looks forward to providing all the facilitations and procedures necessary to serve the flights, and to provide everything that contributes to enhancing this step in the future.

Following this decision, the General Establishment of Syrian Civil Aviation has granted authorizations to Algerian Airlines for the use of civilian airports.

The Syrian authorities are committed to providing the necessary facilitations to receive these flights, in accordance with the air transport agreement previously signed between the two nations.

Emphasizing the commitment to strengthen bilateral ties, the Ministry highlighted its efforts to facilitate cooperation and coordination, stating that it is working to provide the necessary cooperation and coordination in promoting this important step, which reflects the strength of the brotherly relations binding the two countries.

This development signifies a positive shift in diplomatic relations between Algeria and Syria, fostering hopes for increased collaboration in various domains for the mutual benefit of both nations.