ATMIS Prioritizes Al Shabab Degradation and Somalia Security Forces Enhancement for 2024

The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) has outlined its primary objectives for the New year, emphasizing the degradation of al Shabab and the bolstering of the Somalia Security Forces (SSF) as key priorities in 2024.

A forthcoming high-level conference, set to convene ATMIS sector commanders in Mogadishu, will focus on refining the current Concept of Operations (CONOPS) to effectively counter Al Shabaab’s asymmetrical warfare.

ATMIS Police Commissioner CP Hillary Sao Kanu underscored the commitment to providing specialized skills to the Somalia Police Force (SPF) and fostering community-based initiatives. She emphasized the success of community policing in promoting collaboration between security forces and residents, thereby strengthening the collective effort against Al Shabaab.

Reflecting on the accomplishments of the previous year, ATMIS Force Commander Lt. Gen. Sam Okiding highlighted the completion of 236 military operations, with 41 percent conducted collaboratively with the Somali Security Forces (SSF).