ATMIS: Somali Police Officers Complete Intensive Training in Station Management

A group of 20 Somali police officers, comprising 18 males and two females, have successfully concluded a rigorous 10-day Training of Trainers course focused on equipping them with essential skills in the effective management of police stations.

The training, conducted in collaboration between the ATMIS police training and development department and the Somali Police Force (SPF), was held at the Gen. Kahiye Police Academy in Mogadishu.
The comprehensive training program, which concluded on Wednesday, aimed to empower participants with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to enhance their effectiveness in managing police stations, a critical component of maintaining law and order in the region.
Colonel Mohammed Osman, Head of Training at the SPF, expressed his deep gratitude to both ATMIS Police and the Somali Police Force for organizing this significant and impactful course. He emphasized that the benefits of this training would extend beyond the individual participants to the entire Somali Police Force and, by extension, to the nation as a whole.
The ceremony marking the conclusion of the training was attended by Maj. Geedi Ahmed Mohammed, SPF Director of Planning, Training, and Development, who highlighted the importance of investing in the professional development of the police force.
He stressed that such training initiatives are vital for improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the Somali Police Force in maintaining peace and security in the country.
Professor Abdi Mohammed Shiveb, another distinguished guest at the ceremony, underscored the critical role played by well-trained police officers in promoting stability and security within Somalia.
ATMISHe commended the collaborative efforts of ATMIS Police and the Somali Police Force in conducting this training program.