Air Crash With Zero Casualties in Somalia

Hargeisa– yesterday, small cargo plane flew from Djibouti carrying food, and medical aid and heading to Balatwayne crashed after it landed in the town airstrip. The three people on board were rescued but the three persons sustained minor injuries.

A burnt down in the fire, the food shipped to aid the flood victims. The fire that caught the rear of the plane is caused by the slide tire. Eye witness, Issaq Ali Abdile the police chief said.

The three persons who survived in the crash are said to be the crew: the pilot and his two assistants.

The plane registered to a company based in Nairobi, and the air food mission is called ” Advocate Brother” aid under the Djibouti peacemakers in Somaliland.

Somalia’s airspace has been safe despite the absence of native-like air controllers, and radar that guide the commercial airlines.