Elections must be held to avoid violence-SONSAF Demands

By Staff Writer

Hargaysa, 19, October, 2018

The Somaliland Non-State Actors Forum (SONSAF) has expressed their concern about the stalemate on the time to hold the municipal and parliamentary elections. According to SONSAF the time is long overdue and this might trigger unnecessary violence.

 There have been talks between the ruling party and the opposition parties on the timeframe of the elections but the two parties have not yet reached an agreement on the time to hold the polls.

SONSAF added that; “The president should act as the head of the country and help bridge the gap among the key contenders. The waiting is long overdue and the contenders are using the situation to keep the status quo by inciting their supporters and this will easily lead to violence.”

During a press conference held in the organizational headquarters in Hargeisa, SONSAF senior officials emphasized that in order to find common ground for the stalemate and move beyond, the dates must be picked for the elections.

 “The civil society is worried the deadlock about the timing of the elections” read from a paper by SONSAF official.

 “We are demanding that the two parties must resume talks to resolve their differences so as to allow the elections to take come March of 2019, failure to which this might trigger violence which will taint the image of our country,” SONSAF statement reads.

SONSAF also warned against hate speech during live TV interviews as this will lead to creation of tension in the country.
