Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan Navigate Tensions in 4th Trilateral Negotiation Round

In a bid to address critical issues surrounding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan concluded the fourth round of trilateral negotiations in Addis Ababa from December 17 to 19, 2023. This round followed an understanding reached on July 13, 2023, between Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia and President Abdel Fatah el Sisi of Egypt, instructing officials to finalize rules for the first filling and annual operation of the GERD.

While Ethiopia actively engaged in fruitful discussions during these four rounds, striving for an amicable agreement with the lower riparian countries, Egypt’s approach has drawn criticism.

Accused of maintaining a colonial-era mentality and impeding progress, Egypt faces allegations of violating the principles aimed at building confidence and trust among the three nations.

Ethiopia emphasizes its commitment to utilizing Nile waters within the bounds of equitable and reasonable principles, rejecting any infringement on its rights.

The 2015 Agreement on the Declaration of Principles serves as the foundation for the negotiation, facilitated by the African Union since 2020.

Post-negotiation, Egypt’s statement, deemed a violation of the UN Charter and the African Union’s Constitutive Act, is rejected by Ethiopia.

Despite the current tensions, Ethiopia remains committed to achieving a negotiated settlement that addresses the collective interests of the three countries, eagerly anticipating the resumption of negotiations.