African Union Retrieves Weapons Looted by al-Shabaab

The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) has officially announced that its forces, supported by Somalia troops, have successfully retrieved a portion of the weapons that were looted from their base in Bula Marer town during an attack by al-Shabaab.

Last Thursday, heavily armed al-Shabaab fighters launched an assault on a base manned by Ugandan soldiers operating under the umbrella of ATMIS. Al-Shabaab claimed to have gained control of the base and reported the deaths of more than 120 soldiers.

The group stated that they had seized a cache of weapons and military vehicles, including ambulances and tanks. An online platform linked to al-Shabaab further asserted that numerous Ugandan soldiers were taken as prisoners during the attack.

In response, ATMIS issued a statement confirming that its troops successfully pursued the retreating al-Shabaab militants who were involved in the assault on the ATMIS Forward Operating Base in Buulo Mareer.

ATMIS emphasizes its unwavering dedication to combatting terrorism and assures that it will continue to closely collaborate with the Federal Government of Somalia, the Federal Member States, and international partners in order to secure the nation.