New Prime Minister Appointed in Burundi

On Wednesday, General Gervais Ndirakobuca, was unanimously elected as Burundi’s new prime minister by lawmakers in the East African nation, after the country’s president warned that some unnamed people were plotting to overthrow his government.

Alain Guillaume Bunyoni, was replaced after 113 Mps approved the proposal of president Evariste who appointed Ndirakobuca as a replacement. The move comes in the wake of President Ndayishimiye, warning of coup being plotted against him.

Since 2020, Gervais Ndirakobuca has held several top positions, including, heading the ministry of the interior, community development, and public security offices.
A former rebellion general, the 52-year-old was hit in 2015, by European and US sanctions for his role in quashing demonstrations during political unrest that year.
During the civil war which killed approximately 300.000 Burundians between 1993 and 2006, Ndirakobuca acquired an infamous nickname: Ndakugarika which means ‘I will kill you’.