Somalia Federal Government Alleges Puntland Forces Used Live Ammunition on Protestors in Dhahar Region

According to a statement, Somalia’s Federal government has accused Puntand state security forces of using live bullets during pro federal government protests in Dhahar on Tuesday. The federal government insisted that Puntland forces did the act “ Intentionally”.

Though, they did not reveal their plans towards Puntland state on this matter rather than calling them to avoid any related human rights violations. On the other side, Puntland authorities blamed President Farmajo for inciting chaos in the region but their attempt failed after Puntland forces Prevented it.

These statements came after an unspecified number of people gathered in Dhahar District to express their concern of Support for the Federal government of Somalia on Wednesday.

Puntland state of Somalia also pointed finger on Somalia’s Minister of planning for playing a key role for this pro federal government demonstrations in Dhahar, even so, it is not clear the major reasons behind this protests.