Garowe Will Host Reconciliation Conference For The Somali Federal Government & Member States

Garowe 29.01.2019: Puntland will host a reconciliation conference for the Somali Federal Government and member states. Newly elected Puntland President, Saed Abdillahi Deni announced that Garowe will host the reconciliation conference for sSmali leaders.
In a press conference, the recently innaugrated President Saed Deni pledged that he will bring together the federal and regional leaders in mid March this year in Garowe.
He added that the plan to host the meeting was proposed by Somalia’s President, Mohamed Abdillahi Farmajo. President Farmajo in his remarks during the innaugration ceremony pledged to put behind disputes witnessed in the past between regional leaders . A preliminary meeting was held after the inauguration ceremony on 27th January between the president Farmajo , regional leaders and former presidents.
The recent elections of Lafta Gareen in Southwest and Saeed Deni in Puntland is expected to soothe the often tense relations between the central government and regional leaders in Somalia.

Last year 2018, leaders of regional states had twice broken off relations with the government of President Abdillahi Mohamed Farmajo.