IGAD Secures Cessation of Hostilities Agreement as in Sudanese Crisis rears ugly head

In a major diplomatic achievement, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Executive Secretary, Workneh Gebeyehu, announced that Sudanese Sovereign Council Chairman Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) leader Mohamed Hamdan Daglo have agreed to sign a cessation of hostilities agreement.

The breakthrough was achieved during the 41st Extraordinary Session of the IGAD Assembly in Djibouti, hosted by President Ismail Guelleh.
Gebeyehu emphasized the importance of the commitment from the Sudanese belligerents to promptly convene and agree upon a cessation of hostilities, calling it a crucial step in addressing the aspirations of the Sudanese people.
According to reports from the official Djibouti news agency, RSF leader Daglo accepted a ceasefire after a telephone call with President Guelleh.
The key figures in the Sudanese crisis have also agreed to meet within 15 days to discuss confidence-building measures, paving the way for a political process.
Heated discussions between al-Burhan and several leaders marked the summit, with significant efforts by IGAD leaders to convince al-Burhan to accept meeting Daglo.
Al-Burhan emphasized the evacuation of civilian facilities and homes, the relocation of RSF combatants, and the need for a comprehensive political process leading to general elections.
RSF leader Daglo, in response, outlined conditions for a political process in a letter to the IGAD Chair. The breakthrough is anticipated to lead to further progress in achieving a comprehensive political settlement in Sudan.
