Israel Issues Evacuation Orders in Southern Gaza Amid Diplomatic Truce Push

Israel has issued further evacuation orders on Thursday for residents in the southern Gaza Strip, particularly in the city of Khan Younis an area the United Nations reports that more than 140,000 displaced individuals are seeking refuge.

Currently, Diplomats are engaging in efforts to broker a potential two-week truce in the ongoing conflict in Gaza, where over 20,000 lives had been lost.

Despite these efforts, the United Nations Security Council has once again postponed a crucial vote on a new resolution, which aims to call for an immediate ceasefire and provide much-needed humanitarian aid to the affected population.

The delay stems from ongoing negotiations among envoys, who are grappling with the wording of the resolution in a bid to avoid a potential veto from the United States.

As the situation in Gaza gets critical by the day, with displaced residents in urgent need of assistance, the diplomatic community continues to find common ground and facilitate a truce that would bring respite to the war-torn region.