Libya in Talks with Iranian Charge d’Affaires on Reconstruction Needs

Libya based Minister of Housing and Construction in Tripoli, Abu Baker Al-Ghawi, held a strategic meeting with the Chargé d’Affaires of the Iranian Embassy in Libya, Ain Allah Souri on addressing Libya’s reconstruction needs and fostering collaboration between the two countries.

During their meeting, they talked about the supply of Iranian building materials in line with Libya’s market needs.
They also discussed the participation of Iranian companies in the Libya exhibition and inviting them to contribute to the reconstruction and development projects under the Tripoli government’s Restoration of Life plan.
Al-Ghawi confirmed the Tripoli-based Libyan government’s position, as expressed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, on various aspects of cooperation with Iran.
This includes resuming meetings of the Libyan-Iranian Joint Committee, developing collaboration in health and technical fields, promoting exports and industrial cooperation, as well as exchanging official visits.