Moroccans Protest Against Normalized Relations with Israel

Thousands of Moroccans took to the streets in opposition to normalized relations with Israel. They marched through the capital Rabat, calling for an end to their country’s ties with Israel, which they denounced for its actions in Gaza.

Some protesters carried and waved placards in front of Morocco’s parliament in the center of Rabat, with messages such as “stop the massacre” and “normalization is treason” during Sunday’s march.

More than 10,000 people, including politicians from across the spectrum, joined the rally, with some of them carrying an immense Palestinian flag.

In 2020, Morocco established a normalization agreement with Israel under the Abraham Accords brokered by the United States, which saw similar moves by the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

As part of the deal, Rabat received Washington’s recognition of its claim to sovereignty over the disputed territory of Western Sahara.

Opposition to the agreement has grown sharply since the start of the war in Gaza, with large-scale demonstrations, calling for the abrogation of the normalization deal.

The demonstration was organized by leftist parties and the Islamist movement.