Searching for a safe haven following the civil war that rocked their country Syria, around a dozen families with children and elderly people landed in Dhuusamareeb on Saturday.

The Galmudug state ministers and senior officials, as well as the people of the region welcomed the approximately ten refugee family fleeing from a war torn country.

The mayor of Dhuusamareeb promised to offer the refugee family free land to live only if they decide to stay permanently there.

A senior official from Galmudug said, ‘after we witnessed their plight, we gave them what we could in terms of food and a temporary shelter. The business community in the town particularly hotels came together to help the asylum seekers, Ma’alin Nur Foundation gave them a place to live. The residents of the foundation residential areas out of altruism vacated their rooms for the homeless refugees from Syria,’ the official said.

Samira Ibrahim Ali, the deputy minister for humanitarian aid and disaster of Galmudug State, called on the people of Galmudug to assist their sisters and brothers in deprivation and displaced by the deadly Syrian civil war. She appreciated the generosity of the Nur Foundation for extending a helping hand to these people in need.

Syria has witnessed a civil war that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives and injured many more. The war still is raging as many external actors are involved in the civil war. Russia and the US fight over Syria while Turkey makes incursion into Syrian territory making a lame excuse of chasing kurdish rebels or terrorists.