The goals behind the fresh talks between Somalia and Somaliland

When the Foreign Minister of Somaliland, Yasin Faratoon, mentioned the first official meeting between Somali.

World Bank Approves $55 Million to Sustain Somaliaโ€™s Reforms and Fiscal Response to Multiple Crises

WASHINGTON, June 23, 2020 โ€”ย The World Bank Board of Directors today approved a $55 million.

Suicide bomber kills 2 at Turkish military base in Somalia

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) โ€” A suicide bomber detonated inside a Turkish military training base in.

Kenya designs new safety protocols ahead of revving tourism industry

Kenya is initiating new protocols in the tourism industry before lifting covid-19 restrictions including air.

Somalia Issued New Communique

Somalia issued a novel communique which is so different from the one in the open..

Land Dispute in Gabilay Region

Somaliland police force dispersed protesters in a land dispute with government. The police fired live.

Ethiopia: A headache for Africa

Unfortunately, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has become a constant headache for Africa. Instead.

Is an Egypt-Ethiopia war an option?: A comparison between the Egyptian and Ethiopian armies

One day after hostile statements made by the Ethiopian foreign minister, in which he hinted.

Sudan says it repulsed attack by Ethiopian army

KHARTOUM, Sudan Sudanโ€™s army announced Monday that it had repulsed an attack by Ethiopian forces.ย .

Somalia to go ahead with $170m port scheme

A Somalian politician has said the state government of Galmadug will build a port in.

How Somalis in east London were hit by the pandemic | Free to read

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Activists in S Korea float leaflets to North as tension simmers

Activists floated 20 huge balloons carrying 500,000 leaflets and 2,000 one-dollar bills from the border.

Somaliland President Toured the Road Authority

Somaliland president visited the ministry of vehicle and listened to briefings by the respective officials.

โ€œShoot in Sight the Troublemakersโ€ said Puntland President

With security deterioration in mind, Puntlandโ€™s President ordered his security forces to shoot anyone carrying.

Sudan warns against escalation in Nile dam dispute

Sudan on Sunday warned against escalation and urged further negotiations with Egypt and Ethiopia over.