President Hassan Sheikh Extols Somali women in Women’s Day Public address

In a gesture underscoring the role of Somali women in society, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of the Federal Republic of Somalia extended warm congratulations on International Women’s Day. The president commended the significant contributions women make to the nation’s social fabric, economic development, and the well-being of Somali families.

President Mohamud emphasized the historic significance of this day, highlighting the ongoing struggle for the empowerment of women and the importance of recognizing their vital role in shaping the nation’s future.
His address celebrated the achievements of Somali women while acknowledging the challenges they continue to face in various sectors.
During the address, the president reflected on the crucial role played by women in the nation’s recent history, particularly in the fight against extremism and the ongoing efforts to restore peace and stability.
He paid tribute to the resilience and determination of Somali women, emphasizing their central role in countering the threats posed by extremist elements seeking to destabilize the country.
President Mohamud also touched upon the broader issues facing Somali society, including economic development and the strengthening of family bonds underscoring the need for collective efforts to address these challenges and build a more prosperous and inclusive nation.
The president’s address is in celebrating International Women’s Day 2024, under the theme of ‘investing in women: Accelerate progresses
Although women inclusivity in governance has been the issue with past administrations but Mahmood’s drive on inclusion is commended.
It will be recalled that Somalia officially initiated efforts to advocate for the candidacy of its former Foreign Affairs minister, Fawzia Yusuf Adam, for the position of Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) setting the stage for a potential direct competition with Kenya’s Raila Odinga.