Somalia: Russia Delivers Second Shipment of Wheat to Alleviate Humanitarian Crisis in Somalia

A subsequent delivery of 25,000 tons of relief wheat from Russia has reached the Mogadishu port in Somalia. In response to the ongoing challenges posed by prolonged droughts and recent El-Nino floods, SoDMA Commissioner Mohamud Moallim confirmed the reception of the shipment, emphasizing its intended distribution to individuals affected in various regions of the country.

Moscow has affirmed its dedication to aiding Somalia in addressing the hunger crisis caused by protracted droughts and recent floods, resulting in the displacement of approximately 250,000 people, as reported by humanitarian organizations.

Acknowledging the severity of the situation, the United Nations estimates that 4.1 million people in Somalia are currently grappling with hunger, necessitating urgent humanitarian intervention. Despite the challenges, Somalia has actively sought international support, particularly during the recent floods, which has now abated with the cessation of rain.

However, Russia’s commitment to alleviating food shortages extends beyond Somalia, as the country has previously provided free grain to various African nations, including Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mali, and the Central African Republic.