Somalia’s National Theatre in Ruins to Undergo Repair

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Mogadishu’s National Theater became hideout of terrorists

By Staff Writer

Mogadishu—12, October, 2018— Mogadishu’s National Theatre in tatters riddled with bullet scars since 1991 is about to go a complete overhaul. Somalia’s in state of Jihad and suicide bombing has been off music and entertainment in not less than three decades. The theatre whose roof was exported to the gulf for recycling for a song and whose walls either partially damaged or completely destroyed will experience new renovation soon to host live performances and concerts of all genres. However, the security circumstances don’t allow the people to crowd anywhere in Mogadishu including the mosque congregation worshipers lest deadly terror attack by Al-Shabab militants.  

The theatre if succeed reopening will contribute to the radicalization of music-less generation who inhaled literature of hatred and harsh realities of their lives. It will generate income for the poor, displaced families surrounding the theatre.

The Jihadists are against of any entertainment and comfort for dubious religious reasons and prefer to listen to Arabic songs which they don’t understand the lyrics. Any Somali song be about the nature and environs and praise for God is unacceptable.

Somalia’s main theatre was home of the famous singers of Somalia the likes of Hibo Bura, Abdiqadir Jubba, and produced boys, girls and mixed bands from early 60s but it shut down when the roar of gun dominated Mogadishu.

Mogadishu is the battleground of militants and weak Somali government bailed out by the West to let her go mature and stand its own feet like an adult girl nonetheless the security situation is grim and hopeless.