Somaliland: International Partners Call for Adherence to Newly Proposed Election Timeline

A joint statement issued by Somaliland’s international partners responds to the recently unveiled election timeline by the National Electoral Commission, which awaits endorsement or denial by some political stakeholders.

The international community acknowledges the concerns of the Somaliland people regarding the time elapsed thus far and emphasizes the importance of achieving political consensus to establish a foundation for stability.

In light of the aspirations of the people of Somaliland to exercise their democratic rights through free and fair elections, the international partners strongly advocate against any further delays in the electoral process. They urge all political stakeholders to adhere to the newly proposed election timelines.

Furthermore, the international partners call upon the parliament to promptly address outstanding technical, funding, political, and legal issues as identified by the National Electoral Commission. Swift resolution of these matters is deemed crucial to ensuring a smooth and successful electoral process. the electoral commision previously noted.