Somaliland Releases Two Female Singers who performed at a Concert in Mogadishu

Somaliland government has released from the Jail two Female singers who were arrested for performing at a Music Concert in the Capital of Somalia, Mogadishu. The two Singers are Barwaaqo Qalanjo and Hamda Qaali. Hamse Daabjeerin with the details……………………………………………………………………………….

Finally, the two Somali singers; Barwaaqo Qalanjo and Hamda Qaali are free. This will be the first time to reunite with their Families and friends after Somaliland government gave their freedom back on Wednesday.

These two female singers were arrested months ago after their return from Mogadishu where they participated in a music concert.

They spoke to the media after their release and they said they were happy to have their freedoms back and expressed their gratitude to everyone involved in their release.

It was earlier when the Somaliland government released Salah Arab.

He was arrested with these two female singers with the same case but, he was released after he claimed Yemen citizenship, urguing he only sings for Somaliand that he not a Somali citizen.

For the last years, the number of people arrested for going to Moguashu has increased, but it was on Tuesday when the office of Somaliland President Published following the consultation summit between Somaliland and Somalia which indicates that two side agreed not to impede non political social engagements (Cultural, academic, Sports and trade) in order to promote peace and dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia.