Somaliland Wary of Somali President’s Call for Aid in Sool

By Staff Writer

Mogadishu-, 26, October, 2018. Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and his Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khayre have called on the country’s aid institutions to provide assistance to the victim of the war in Sool. They also asked the warring tribes in Sool to stop the war, in a press release seen by Somaliland online Newspaper. They have described the war as a real tragedy and promised that the government will do everything possible to bring an end to the war.

Though Somaliland would like to assist in distributing aid, they bear in mind that their country is independent of Somalia and yet the Somali government might misconstrue collaborating on humanitarian grounds as an authority upon Somaliland or be viewed infringement on its sovereignty. This might also work against efforts for talks between the two countries.

Somaliland helped Somalia when it plunged into a deadly famine, when the first raised money for the second, but they handed it over to Somali citizens in Mogadishu in order to respect their authority and independence.

Somaliland is also experiencing issues of its own with the war in Dhumay, and whether Somalia’s president Farmajo will also lend a helping hand remains to be seen as diplomatic differences between the two countries continue to be experienced.

Somalia’s president has called on residents of his country to maintain peace for there to be development and stability.