Claims of Insult, Physical Altercation from President, Takes Election Dispute to New Level

Hargeisa ( – The leader of Somaliland’s opposition party, UCID, confirmed rumors that he had a violent altercation with President Muse Bihi Abdi.

On twenty-six December last year, the leaders of UCID and Waddani parties met with President Bihi at the presidential palace. It was meant to be a cordial meeting between national leaders to discuss the most pressing issue facing the nation. That’s resolving the electoral stalemate resulting from a prolonged dispute over the composition of the National Elections Commission.

However, that’s hardly what transpired in the meeting. In a revealing interview with BBC Somali, UCID party chairman revealed for the first time the details of the rumored altercation with President Bihi.

According to Faisal Ali Warabe, the president got violent after being pressed on the issue of detention of Mohamud Ali Suleiman Ramah, the interior Secretary of UCID Party. Faysal alleged that the president threw a bottle at him. More disturbingly, he alleged that the President insulted his mother. The president further tried to physically assault him, Faisal Ali Waraabe, added. 

According to Faysal Ali, The violent episode ensued after he asked the president about plans to detain the interior secretary of UCID party, Mr.Mohamued  Ali Suleiman Ramah. Faysal alleged that the president told him to quit interfering between him and his cousin-in-law referring to Mr. Ramah.

Meanwhile, Somaliland opposition parties UCID and Waddani said president Muse Bihi will not implement the proposals of the mediation committee for breaking the deadlock over the electoral commission. 

These proposals of the mediation committee were the latest effort to break the deadlock over the electoral commission which precipitated an electoral impasse and legitimacy crisis in the country.

Monday Meeting, Jan 13

 The chairman of Waddani Party, Abdirahman Irro said the president informed them that he could not dismiss the current controversial electoral commission.

In a joint press conference with his UCID counterpart, Faisal Ali Warabe, Abdirahman Irro said the president’s response meant reneging on the mediation committee proposals. 

This came after opposition leaders met with president Bihi at his office earlier on Monday morning. This was the third meeting between the president and the opposition leaders after both sides accepted the proposals of the mediation committee. 

On the other hand, the ruling party Kulmiye said the did not reject the proposals of the mediation committee. The Second deputy chairman of Kulmiye party Ahmed Abdi Dheere said the government could not find legal grounds to dismiss the electoral commission. He added that his party is ready for any compromise that can lead to an election in the country, provided it’s within the legal framework