Djibouti Police Chief arrives in Hargeisa, Somaliland

The Djiboutian Police chief Abdirahman Ali arrived in Hargeisa on Wednesday morning. His Somaliland counterpart Mohamed Adam Saqadhi (Dabagale) received him at the airport. In a statement Somaliland Police clarified that the Djiboutian Police chief arrived in Hargeisa to attend the 29th Anniversary of Somaliland police forces.

It’s unclear if other regional dignitaries will arrive to attend the anniversary which is expected to take place on Thursday, according to the Somaliland police. Earlier this year, the police chief of Somaliland paid a visit to Djibouti to meet his counterpart and had discussed strengthening the security cooperation between the countries.

Since Djibouti’s terrorist attack in 2014, the neighboring countries seem to have boosted their security cooperation. On several occasions, officials from the two countries engaged in talks to enhance the safety of their populations.