Member of Parliament apologizes for rant against Somaliland clan

Hargeisa – Somaliland’s member of parliament Saeed Elmi Roble apologized on Thursday for an obnoxious rant against certain clans in Somaliland.

The MP from the Sahil region apologized for viscous statements made during a call with a cousin of his. The call was live-streamed to Facebook by the MP’s cousin. 

The live-streamed call took place on New Year’s eve. In it, the MP’s cousin heaps abuse on certain clans in Somaliland while MP Rooble listens. Sometimes the MP goes along with the rant making agreement sounds. 

The tirade continues for about eight minutes. Among the abuse the MP listened to were accusations of homosexuality at the traditional leaders of the clan. 

In his press conference today, the MP Saeed Elmi Roble said he received the call from his unstable cousin living in the United States. He apologized to the woman, traditional leaders, and all sects of the abused clan. He expressed regret that he went along with the tirade instead of closing the line immediately.

MP Saeed Rooble had earlier apologized for the incident in a Facebook live video hours after the rant went viral. He recorded the video at three o’clock in the morning of New Year’s Day.

Still, some people called for his resignation, condemning his behavior as unbecoming for a member of parliament. Some even called for his prosecution.