National advisory forum files a case against term extensions in Somaliland

Hargeisa (CBATV) – The National advisory forum, an independent group of SNM veterans, announced that they have lodged a case against the extension of the term of two chambers of parliament once again. Professor Abdisalan Yasin, the chancellor of Shifa University said the group has lodged the case at the constitutional court with the group’s members as defendants.

Professor Yasin said the group submitted a class action suit against the decision of the House of Elders to extend the term of Houses of Representatives and Elders. This is the second attempt of the group to challenge the decision of the House of Elders in court.

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Our ultimate goal was to show our people that we live in a country of laws – that it is possible for people to bring lawsuits. When our case was dismissed, we have brought this one as individuals. The defendants are a dozen people. The core argument of our first case was not addressed – that is there is no plausible cause to extend the term of the parliament. 

Abdisalam Yasin

The group first challenged the decision of the House of Elders at the beginning of this month. They argue that the extension was not constitutional since there was no credible cause of extending the term of officeholders. Another legal argument for the group is that the extension infringes on the constitutional right of Somaliland citizens to choose their representatives.

However, the constitutional court dismissed the case within a few days saying the Group lacked legal personality since it was not officially registered as an organization.

Professor Yasin said he was not hopeful that the court will rule justly on their case. However, the group insisted on lodging their case, he said, to demonstrate that Somaliland is a republic of laws. 

Let us see what they do now. We will not stop even our case is dismissed again. Because there is no other option. We have to teach people that they can open cases in courts. And the constitutional court needs to listen to people. Justice is the best interest of us all. 

Abdisalam Yasin