President Muse Bihi calls for dialogue with opposition parties

Hargeisa ( – Somaliland president Muse Bihi appealed with opposition parties to come together to resolve the issue of the overdue election.

He called the opposition parties for a meeting early next week to resolve the contested issues that led to an election deadlock.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of Berbera Free Economic Zone, President Bihi blamed election delays on the disagreements of political parties. He stressed that no one else to be blamed for the recurrent election delays.

I believe it is important to hold an election soon. The country needs it. We can conduct an election without external financial or technical assistance.

President Muse Bihi

The elections are delayed because of the disagreements among the political parties. No one else shares the blame with them. When political parties are ready, the resources for conducting a vote will be available. Most of the blame is on the three political partied that could not agree on holding an election, and whose dispute has been going on for years.

President Muse Bihi

President Bihi lamented the ramifications of election delays in his speech. He said such irregular elections foster resentment and conflict in the interior front. In the external front, the president said the electoral stalemate hurts Somaliland’s standing with the international community.

The election delay creates conflict and bitterness amongst us. Because when the person elected for a five-year term does not vacate office, the person aspiring for the office will develop animosity and growing hatred. In the foreign affairs front, the delays undermine us, because who would deal with people that could not agree among themselves and hold elections? Therefore, I calling the opposition of the two opposition parties for a meeting earlier next week at the latest, to discuss ending these disagreements and lead the country to an election

President Muse Bihi

The call comes at a time when a delegation from Somaliland’s international partners is expected to arrive next week to discuss the electoral stalemate in the country.

For the past two years, Somaliland experienced an electoral stalemate and unpopular term extensions for the incumbent parliament. The House of Elders had extended the term of parliament twice this year because of election delays.