Somaliland Govt Shuts down Schools Amid Convid19 Fears

SOMALILAND.COM – Somaliland’s government will shut schools for four weeks. All public and private education institutions will be closed from March 19.

This is part of several measures announced today by the interministerial task force for coronavirus outbreak.

It includes directives to mosques to limit the time of congregational prayers to twenty-five minutes and closing washrooms. 

The task force also announced the suspension of removing medical supplies from the country for any reason. The government will also be able to use all private facilities if needed. All professionals with medical training are also called to voluntarily register with the ministry of health to be called for service. 

The task force also announced the ban of all public gatherings such as conferences, weddings, and sports events.

Somaliland, however, came short of suspending all international flights to and from the country. The travel restriction imposed by the government only affects a few countries such as China, Italy, Spain, Kenya, and Somalia. 

The last two countries on the list have announced their first cases in the past few days.