Somaliland Khat Importer Call for Its Ban

Somaliland big khat importers today endorsed banning khat to prevent a coronavirus outbreak in the country. 

This came in a meeting between the national committee for coronavirus preparedness and the businesses that import khat to the country on Sunday morning.

Faysal Faras, the head of one of the biggest khat distributors in the country, said the most effective step is to ban importing khat altogether. He said it would be very difficult to enforce social distancing and close khat joints while khat is available. 

He said he will take a primary role in enforcing the ban. 

Mohamed Abdi Harir, another spokesperson for Khat importers underlined the cartel’s readiness to comply with all government directives regarding the prevention of coronavirus outbreak in the country.

With that frank and candid position, the khat importers threw the ball to the government court. It is now for the government to decide on the matter of banning khat for public safety with the support of khat businesses secured.

On the other hand, Faisal Faras, called on businesspeople to donate funds to procure test kits and medical supplies such as ventilators. He expressed his personal READINESS to take part in such an effort.

Somaliland’s vice president Abdirahman Ibrahim Saili’i for their cooperation, and patriotic sensibilities.