Somaliland Opposition Parties Declare Political Alliance to Secure the Leadership of the house

The two opposition parties of Somaliland; Waddani and Ucid held an emergency meeting in Hargeisa after successfully managing the majority seats for the house of representatives. The two parties have formally announced a political alliance to succeed the leadership of the house of representatives and the mayors for the major cities.

The Main opposition party Waddani is now leading the majority seats but still needs allies to have the speakership for the house of representatives. The Ucid party also wants to have higher positions in this forthcoming local council and house of representatives and that is the main reason these two parties are pulling together.

The two opposition parties gained 51 out off 82 seats in the house of representatives while the ruling party managed 30 seats. This will be a political threat to the ruling party Kulmiye which has the majority seats of this outgoing Parliament.

On several occasions, the opposition parties pledged they will hold the current government accountable if they secure the majority seats of the house. It is still unclear how the two parties will share the power after their announcement of a political alliance.