UN, U.S. express displeasure over Lasanood death toll, call for ‘immediate’ Cease-Fire

UN has raised the concern over the surging number of civilian casualties in Lasanood, following a protracted conflict between Somaliland security forces and clan members in Sool region since February. Also, the US diplomatic mission in Somalia issued an urgent appeal Thursday, calling for an “immediate” and unconditional cease-fire in order to prevent humanitarian crisis.

The United States Embassy in Somalia expressed its concern after the delegation, led by Tim Trenkle, visited Somaliland’s capital of Hargeisa and held discussions with President Muse Bihi Abdi.

The delegation discussed the violence in Lasanod, as well as regional security, Somaliland-US engagement, and the potential for Somaliland and Somalia to resume negotiations.

The US called for an immediate ceasefire and unhindered humanitarian access in the region, which has seen intense fighting between local militias and Somaliland forces, resulting in number of deaths.
The conflict according to multiple sources originated after some traditional leaders refused to recognize the Somaliland government.

According the UN, the current conflict has resulted in the displacement of over 185,000 people, mostly women and children, and the humanitarian situation in the Sool region and the country is dire.
UN reaffirms the call for humanitarian access to address the needs of the affected population and urged the parties to immediately cease hostilities and resolve their disputes through dialogue to prevent any further suffering.

These atrocities, UN says, are completely unacceptable and violate international human rights and humanitarian laws.
It urges all parties involved in the clashes to respect their obligations under international law and protect civilians.
