Waddani Party calls the detention of UCID Official as political intrigue

Hargeisa (Somaliland.com) – Somaliland opposition party Waddani called the criminal case against UCID party official a political intrigue.

The deputy interior secretary of Waddai party Sa’ad Ali Kahin Balaki said the criminal charges against UCID’s Mohamud Ali Suleiman Ramah are underpinned by political tricks. He said the objective is to prevent Mr. Ramah from running for parliament in the coming election. That is by convicting him in a court of law which disqualifies people from running to elected offices.

Mr. Balaaki said the government will fail in its efforts to convict Mr. Ramah on the charges he is accused of. He argued that President Bihi himself campaigned on the same statements that Mr. Ramah is held in custody for. 

The deputy secretary of Waddani party also accused the government of using the might of the national armed forces against the opposition parties. He said the proper thing was to utilize the army for the national defense especially the eastern border. 

The interior secretary of UCID Mohamud Suleiman Ramah was arrested on December twenty-six. He is charged with sedition, propagating false reports against government agencies, and defamation of the speaker of the House of Representatives. 

The speaker of the House had dropped his defamation suit against Mr. Ramah. However, the prosecutor-general kept his name in the charge sheet. 

Abdillahi Hassan
