Waddani Party Secretary-General Calls for Suing Government Officials

London – Waddani party’s secretary-general proposed that Waddani party takes top government officials to court for accusing the party of collaboration with the government of Somalia. This came in meeting for the party members and supporters in the United Kingdom last night….

Khadar Hussein Abdi Looge, the secretary-general of Waddani party proposed for the first time taking legal action against the government officials that accuse his party of collaborating with Somalia’s government. 

Khadar said the objective was to expose the judiciary because the courts will not take action against top government officials. Khadar Hussein contrasted that with the detention of UCID party’s secretary of Interior who is jailed for leveling similar accusations against the speaker of parliament. 

The top government officials had publicly accused Waddani party of being pro-union with Somalia. Today we have to challenge them to prove that and in the process expose the courts. Because it is a fact that those officials will not be arrested if we demanded proof for their allegations.

Khadar Abdi

Secretary Looge who was speaking a conference for Waddani members and supporters in the UK said the government of President Bihi shouldn’t have occupied itself with such trivia. Instead, he said, the government should prioritize the major challenges facing the country such as poverty, hunger and lack of international recognition.

On the other hand, Khadar Hussein announced that his party will focus on formulating policies in this year 2020. The secretary-general said Waddani expended the last two years on politics, criticizing government shortcomings. Now, he said it was time to present solutions to the nations’ pressing challenges. 

Waddani party wants to focus this year on formulating policies, on articulating what the party wants to accomplish when in power and how to achieve those objectives; and to provide comprehensive answers for the nation’s most pressing challenges. Ours will not be wishful fantasies, but realistic answers to how best we manage our meager resources.

Khadar Abdi

Abdillahi Hassan
