Waddani party top officials visited detained demonstrators in Mandheera Prison

The Presidential candidate of Wadanni party of Somaliland Abdirahman Cirro along with other top officials have paid an official visit to Mandheera prison on Thursday where 62 people were arrested over the recent protests in Burao.

Elaborating more on the prisoners, the Waddani party officials disclosed that 30 prisoners are younger than 20 years, condeming the government for the arrest which they believe could violate the civil rights to express their demands.

The party also affirmed that some of the prisoners are feeling unwell and were admitted to the hospital for treatment. The party officials asked the government to release the detained prisoner to reunite with their families.

Some of the protesters were arrested from Burao after they attended protests following the opposition parties’ decision to declare Bihi as “Illegitimate” leader. The prisoners were later transferred to Mandheera from Burao. A move criticized by the opposition parties.
