Soobe Suicide Bombing One year on and The Mastermind Executed

Image result for 2017 october 14 reuters soobe mogadishu children collecting dead bodies

By Staff Writer

Mogadishu—14, October, 2018—Somalia’s deadliest suicide bombing passed a year  and the tragedy marked a new chapter of brutality and cruelty by inhuman barbarians of the first-century Khawaarij reemergence in different context and timing.

The terrorists summoned all their strength to take their lives and those with others massacring innocents in the name of unknown religion but in the murderous cult they believed so strongly.

More than 500 have perished in the first batch of the suicide games wounding a thousand. The atrocities in parallel with brutal terror on World Trade Center in New York, in eleven September, 2001,  couldn’t be erased in the memory of Somalis all over the world is celebrated with prayers and desire to bring justice the perpetrators.  Their prayers were met with yes. Allah revealed a key deadly terrorist according to Somali government intelligence.

The government executed long time inmate charged with the crime behind October 14 of the last years. Ina Xaawo, 23 years old man, seemed fatherless, was  captured in hiding in Mogadishu’s district while driving a minibus-like car fully loaded with TNTs and other powerful explosives.

The pictures of children playing human ashes has included in news press for the first time in the history of humanity. Many Somalis on twitter called Reuters to take down the extreme graphic footages of children collecting dead bodies. The tragedy unified Somalis and strengthened their determination to fight the terror.