Sudanese Army Reclaims Wad Al Bashir Bridge, Captures Mercenaries in Omdurman

Following the Sudanese armed forces reclaiming of the Radio and Television Corporation headquarters located east of Omdurman, the Sudanese army announced on Thursday that it captured 14 South Sudanese nationals allegedly fighting alongside the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

On Tuesday, the army seized control of the headquarters after intense clashes with the RSF, who had held the site since the war broke out.

According to a military source, the captured group possessed expertise in operating heavy artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

However, they are placed under Military interrogation to affirm the claim by the Sudanese army that the RSF is seeking foreign assistance in the ongoing conflict.

The army commander-in-chief, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and his deputy, Yasir al-Atta have constantly accused the RSF of recruiting fighters from neighbouring nations like Niger and Chad.

In a related development, the Sudanese army has seized control of the Wad al-Bashir Bridge in western Omdurman on Thursday.

The capture of the bridge was documented in video clips, expressing their intent to push further towards Souq Libya and the Dar es Salaam neighbourhoods, with RSF troops and allied militias currently heavily present in these areas.

The Wad al-Bashir Bridge connects Omdurman’s old quarters with Um Badda locality and offers access to the Omdurman-Bara road, a route for RSF reinforcements and supplies from western Sudan.