Sudan’s Deputy Chairman Unveils Plan to End Ongoing War

Malik Agar, Deputy Chairman of Sudan’s Sovereign Council, has revealed the government’s strategy to bring an end to the ongoing war and integrate the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) into the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF).

Addressing the coordination forum for governors of regions and states in Gedaref on Tuesday, Agar emphasized the significance of establishing a unified national army that embraces diversity, aiming to prevent Sudan’s fragmentation.

He highlighted that the government has adopted a roadmap for concluding the conflict, recognizing that conflicts can conclude either through military triumph followed by dialogue or through direct negotiation.

Agar explained that the roadmap includes the phased integration of the RSF into the SAF, with specific details and timing yet to be clarified.

The integration process has been a point of dispute between the army and RSF leadership before the outbreak of war, focusing on the timeframe and command/control issues.

Outlining the roadmap’s stages, Agar mentioned an initial phase with eight unspecified steps, followed by a humanitarian aid phase, a war cessation phase, and a political process culminating in drafting a constitution and subsequent democratic elections.

He asserted that the current conflict is not a struggle for the Sudanese people but a resource war orchestrated by parties supporting the RSF, with intentions of occupation and settlement, contrary to their claimed pursuit of democracy.

Agar disclosed that he had advised RSF commander Hemetti against engaging in a war against the army or underestimating its ability to prevail.

He emphasized the endurance of the Sudanese army, drawing from his 40 years of experience fighting them.

He also hinted at Hemetti’s external support, suggesting a proxy war on behalf of other forces, potentially referring to the Forces of Freedom and Change