The selling and trafficking of Somali young girls, especially those from the diaspora

Thursday, 4th ctober 2018

Global Somali Diaspora (GSD) is calling for a thorough investigation of the trafficking of young Somali girls. Indeed, it is very saddening and worrying development the news from the Chair of Somali Women’s Organisation in Banadir Region, Mrs. Jawaahir Barqab. Recently, there was an increase of reports on trafficking and selling the Somali young girls particularly those from the diaspora to Mogadishu city. Of course, these acts are against our religion, culture, the Somali good characteristics and the basic human rights of these girls.

Jawaahir Daahir (BEM), Chair of Somali Global Diaspora said: “We are welcoming the leadership and courage shown by the Chair of Somali Women’s Organisation in Banadir Region, Mrs. Jawaahir Barqab and the way she stood up publicly to speak up on these cruel and barbaric actions. We are requesting from the Mayor of Mogadishu and Chair of Banadir Region, Mr. Abdirahman Omar Osman ‘Engineer Yarisaw’ and the Somali Federal Government to investigate this urgently and take appropriate actions according to the law”.

It is absolutely unacceptable to condone or turn a blind eye to the trafficking and sexual exploitation of our young Somali girls in the heart of our country, Mogadishu city while we are a Muslim society that should be protecting those vulnerable in our society. 
A couple of years ago, we have witnessed the scandal involved the AMISOM troops and those who were working with them as well as how they misused their power and exploited our young Somali girls which resulted in selling and raping our young vulnerable girls.

Jawaahir Daahir (BEM) added: “It is imperative that the Mayor of Mogadishu and Chair of Banadir Region, Somali Federal Government, institutions of security and justice give this matter the highest priority and nominate an independent committee to investigate it with the aim of protecting the Somali young girls’ human rights, their dignity and honor”.
We are sending a very strong message to those who are engaged with such ugly and cruel activities to think about their mother, daughters, and sisters. No one would allow such events to happen to their loved ones and they need to treat all young girls the way they would like their girls to be treated.

We are supporting the voice of the Chair of Somali Women’s Organisation in Banadir Region, Mrs. Jawaahir Barqab, other Somali women and all institutions that advocate for the rights of young girls in order to work together and prevent the trafficking and exploitation of Somali young girls.

We need to see urgent action from the Somali Federal Government.

Global Somali Diaspora is the largest Somali organisation that brings together the Somali diaspora community, it has over 100 representatives around the globe. 

For further information please contact:

Global Somali Diaspora (GSD)
27 Old Gloucester Street
London WCN1 3AX
United Kingdom
+ 44 7375051582
