Turkey Expresses Strong Support, Optimism Following UN Security Council’s Decision to Lift Arms Embargo on Somalia

Turkish officials have expressed their support and optimism in response to the United Nations Security Council’s historic decision to lift the long-standing arms embargo on Somalia. In an official statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry hailed the Council’s move as a landmark decision that is expected to bring about positive changes for the future of Somalia.

The statement read, “We wish this historic decision will usher in a new era which will sow the seeds of peace, prosperity, and strong hopes for the future of Somalia.” Turkey sees this decision as a significant step towards fostering peace, stability, and renewed hope in the Horn of Africa nation.
Affirming its unwavering commitment, Turkey has vowed to stand by the people of Somalia during this crucial period of transition. The Turkish Foreign Ministry emphasized their continued support and solidarity, pledging aid and cooperation as Somalia enters this new phase.
“Ankara, as always, will continue to stand by the people of Somalia and support Somalia in this new era,” the Foreign Ministry declared, underscoring the enduring partnership between the two nations.
The unanimous decision by the UN Security Council, which took place on Friday, marks the end of the arms embargo on Somalia’s government and its security forces. Initially imposed in 1992 in response to the country’s conflict and worsening humanitarian crisis, the embargo has been a longstanding measure.
The lifting of this embargo is seen as a positive development that will empower Somalia to address its security challenges and enhance its capacity for self-defense.
