UK Supports Timely Elections in Somaliland

President Bihi and Min Harriet, Oct,2018

UK government has reaffirmed its commitment of supporting timely elections in Somaliland.

“The UK remains committed to supporting timely elections in Somaliland.” Mrs Harriet Baldwin, State Minister of Africa and International Development responded to a question asked by an MP, Stephen DoughtyLabour/Co-operative, Cardiff South and Penarth.

Mrs Baldwin stated that UK Government is leading high level committee with the international community on paving the way for Somaliland elections. She also said that UK is implementing a Conflict, Security and Stability Fund (CSSF) which is a project intended to improve the voter registration system, technical expertise for the national election commission and women’s engagement in the elections;’

UK and other donors who support Somaliland’s election and its democratization have stressed that parliamentary elections should be held in this year, 2019, and more delays are not accepted.

Mrs Harriet visited Hargeisa last October where she met the President and Foreign Affairs Minister. At that time she has said that the gov’t is committed to hold parliament and local council polls on the agreed time-frame.

Last year, the UK government has pledged 25 million Pound to Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) which will be spent on development projects in the country.

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