Unknown Air Strike Occurred In Somalia

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By Staff Writer                   

Garbahaaray—12, October, 2018—unknown missile struck near Garbahaaray, southern Somalia, but so far so no one knows the casualties either the targeted militants or the civilians living there.

The residents believe the combat planes belong to Kenya air force which are part of the AMISON and yet operate independently. The area hosts contingents of Al-Shabab. Kenya air forces have been conducting sporadic air attacks and sorties.

But lack precision and often hit pastoralists on the move in search of water and range. However, Kenyan government used to deny any involvement of civilian deaths whatsoever.

They ousted Al-Shabab from Kismayo, a key port for Al-Shabab’s operational budget and hideout from US air strikes, Kenyan forces have making inroads in their fight against the militants. They pushed back and forced the terrorists to hiding and losing major territories.
